Elandskloof is the oldest trout farm in Mpumalanga situated close to Dullstroom, 280km from Johannesburg.
It started around the 1960, when Dolf Combrink (wife, Kitty) took an interest in fly fishing and the breeding of trout. He build the first dam in the area in 1952, which he stocked with trout he got from Lydenburg State Hatchery. It was a small dam but the start to a well known Trout Farm.
Friends came and fish and after he saw the mess they were making he charged them 5c for a days fishing. Around 1960 he accommodated the first overnight guests in the original farm house, which is still in the resort area. 1962 he builded the biggest private dam in the Transvaal, 3 hectares, and 3 more dams followed.
In 1966 he and his son Kobus builded a hatchery to breed their own trout, and had around 400 females and 100 males in the hatchery dams. During these years the main hatchery had around 1 million trout at any time.
The farm was selling fresh as well as smoked trout to the public and stock the dams on the farm, they also stocked dams for other trout & leisure farms. The resort was only a small part of the farming operation those days and was only marketed to friends and their good friends.
The resort is now a much bigger part of the farm operation and the hatchery trout is only used to stock the dams of the farm due to more demand by the public for a place to relax with plenty of space that can accommodate families and enough for everyone to do.
The Farm & Lodge is now managed by Kobus & Dimpels with their only son Rudie and oldest of their 3 daughters Celeste and partner Kobus.
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Oupa Dolf Combrink,